hs.graphicsDir = '/highslide/graphics/'; hs.creditsPosition = 'bottom right' hs.showCredits = true; hs.align = 'center'; hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade']; hs.fadeInOut = true; //hs.dimmingOpacity = 0.85; hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.marginBottom = 105; // make room for the thumbstrip and the controls hs.lang.number = ""; hs.blockRightClick = true; hs.preserveContent = false; hs.addSlideshow({ slideshowGroup: 'gallery1', interval: 5000, repeat: false, useControls: true, fixedControls: false, overlayOptions: { className: 'text-controls', position: 'bottom center', relativeTo: 'viewport', offsetY: -75 }, thumbstrip: { position: 'bottom center', mode: 'horizontal', relativeTo: 'viewport' } }); hs.Expander.prototype.printIframe = function () { var name = this.iframe.name; frames[name].focus(); frames[name].print(); return false; }