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Royal George Theatre

Specialty: Live Theater
Neighborhood: Sheffield/De Paul
Price: Varies with production; usually under $40.00
Group rates available
Hours: Box Office
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Credit Cards: American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discovery, Diner's
Parking: Valet,  public parking lots within walking distance
ADA: Wheelchair accessible

General Info

Whether you are watching a performance in the Cabaret Theatre, the Great Room, or the Main Stage, the Royal George Theatre is the place to enjoy a list of new and familiar favorites, all under one roof. Late Night Catechism is a comedy favorite of most theatre goers in the Chicagoland area. It started out in a smaller venue and has continued a local run for over a decade in the Great Room at the Royal George. The Great Room also houses performances of Verbatim/Verboten and Cast on a Hot Tin Roof. If you are a song and dance fan, check out the Cabaret Theatre’s I Love You You’re Perfect Now Change. And on the main stage, check out Monsieur Chopin where you can “go back in time to a world of imagination and the man who gave the piano a heart.”



